All About the Krk Bridge and Krk Island in Croatia

The Island of Krk is found in Kvarner Bay, situated off the coast of Croatia. Krk Island (sometimes referred to as Island Krk), is located in the northern Adriatic Sea. The so-called 'Golden Island' is in the far northern Mediterranean Sea, between the Italian peninsula, Slovenia, and Croatia.

Like most habitable Mediterranean islands, it's a popular tourism destination for a relaxing vacation, enjoyed by thousands of visitors annually. Tourists come from all over Europe and beyond to enjoy the beautiful beaches, architecture, and culture. Depending on what country you're coming from by car you might have to pay road toll on some highways which you can conveniently pay on this page.

In this article you will learn about the famous Krk Bridge used to get to Krk island and what makes it and the island worth a visit for tourists.

All About the Krk Bridge and Krk Island in Croatia

Is Krk Accessible by Road?

Yes! It is connected to the continent via the Krk Bridge, making it accessible to road users. The island of Krk is the most populous in the Adriatic Sea. Although it is a relatively small island, it has numerous small villages and a population of over 19000 inhabitants.

Basic Information about the Island.

It is the largest island of the 1200 Croatian islands in the Adriatic and is renowned for the sandy beaches that fringe the coastline.

There are also several small islands surrounding the island of Krk, all typical of the Adriatic with sparkling sea and sandy beaches aplenty. It is a definite must-see if you are visiting Croatia from anywhere in the world. If you are heading to the island from Slovenia in your vehicle, then visit our page about border crossings from Slovenia to conveniently purchase the Vignette you will need to use the motorways.

We'll share more about the island of Krk later. First some information about how to get there.

One of the main reasons for the island of Krk's popularity is the flyover which connects the island to the mainland.

Getting to the Island by Road.

One of the main reasons for the island of Krk's popularity is the flyover which connects the island to the mainland. The overpass is at the north end of the island. It makes the island accessible by road to anyone looking for convenient relaxation.

Follow the D8 State Road along the Adriatic shoreline before joining the D102.

You can also use the A1, A6, and A7 routes from the mainland to Krk. From the south, Dalmatia, the A1 will take you to the crossing.

The Krk Island Bridge

This is the only way to reach the island by road. It spans a wide channel, touching the islet of Sveti Marko. It is actually two arches and the longest of its type outside China. It is the third largest of its type worldwide.


The crossing is a vital transport link between mainland Croatia and Krk Island. It is part of the A7 motorway, connecting the port city of Rijeka to the Croatian capital, Zagreb. It is also a gateway to popular tourist destinations such as Istria and Dalmatia.

The span channels over 4 million vehicles, making it one of the busiest routes in the country. The crossing is vital in keeping the island connected to the European economy.

The Krk Bridge Toll 2023

As of June 2020, the toll price for crossing was cancelled and there is no toll. When the expansion project is completed (in 2025) the toll fees to cross may be re-instituted. With no toll road, the price is zero at the time of writing (April 2023).

Expansion Imminent

With the structure showing signs of deterioration, an expansion project will involve the expansion of the motorway to four lanes.

The project is expected to improve traffic flow and safety for road users, making it easier to travel to the island. The project is scheduled to be completed by 2025.

Specifications and Construction

It is 1430 metres long in total, 18.5 metres wide, and has a maximum clearance of 45 metres. The narrow width allows for only one lane of traffic in either direction.

It was designed by Nikola Bašić and was constructed between 1976 and 1980. It is an engineering masterpiece that employed advanced techniques to position the precast components.

What the Future Holds

Without doubt, the route will continue to play a vital role in connecting the continent to the island.

As the region's popularity grows, traffic is expected to increase. To accommodate this increase in traffic, the Croatian government has announced plans to widen the A7 motorway, including the bridge.

More about Krk Island

As mentioned, this destination is very popular with visitors from all over Europe and abroad. Below, we share some of what makes it popular.

Another popular tourist destination is Frankopan Castle.

Krk Climate & Geography

Despite its northerly location, it boasts a pleasing north Mediterranean climate and is one of the sunniest parts of Europe. Summer temperatures (June-September) average between 20-26 degrees Celsius. This makes it popular with visitors in Summer when the sea temperature can reach 24.9°C. The weather ensures a relaxing vacation for those who enjoy swimming.

The coastline is marked by rocky cliffs interrupted by numerous beaches. Inland, the landscape is typically Mediterranean: hilly and rugged, interspersed with fertile fields and the occasional town, often with backdrops of the Adriatic Sea. A beautiful view is seldom far away. Even below the ground, as seen in the popular Biserujka cave.

Island Krk History and Architecture

Krk Island has a long history of occupation from Neolithic times, some 12000 years ago. While information about early inhabitants is sparse, the period of occupation by the Roman Empire is still much in evidence dating back to 50 BCE. Krk Town was the original Roman town, with remnants of buildings that you can still visit. The island has also been under Austrian and Italian rule, amongst other conquerors. This means building styles in the various towns can vary considerably.

Krk Island Tourist Attractions

Krk Old Town

A famous attraction in Krk Town is the Krk Cathedral and bell tower, thought to have been built around 5 A.D. Its iconic bell tower dominates the old town skyline.

Another popular tourist destination is Frankopan Castle. It was built by the noble Frankopan family over several centuries, beginning in ancient times. Influences of Venetian culture can also be seen in the architecture.


The town or village of Baska (also known as Baska Krk Island, or Baška Krk Island), is located on the extreme south coast of the island. It has some of the best hotels and a good selection of private accommodation. If you have a boat, this is where you'll find the best harbour.

The town or village of Baska is located on the extreme south coast of the island.

Located in a small bay, it is also home to one of the best beaches on Krk Island: Vela plaža. The sea and beach is a great place for snorkeling and sunbathing by day. At dusk, the breeze carries the scent of fresh fish being cooked in various restaurants dotted along the beach.

St Lucy Cathedral

The St Lucy Cathedral marks the place where the Baska Tablet was found. The tablet is the oldest sample of Croatian writing.

With its winding streets, Baska is fascinating to explore. There are dozens of other small towns, each with a fascinating history, culture and scenery to visit across Krk.

Krk - Easy to Reach, Easy to Relax

As you've now learned, a visit to the island, via the bridge, is easy to accomplish. The ease with which you can get there, and the many attractions ensure it will always be a popular Croatian destination.